What do you think of the movie?
In my opinion this movie is interesting and inspiring movie.We can see how the teacher do with their student.
Explain about the:
a) The 203 students life and attitude.
Eva - She is a Hispanic girl and narrator.She lose her father since she was small and she live with her mother.in addition,she is one of his boyfrined's gang.
Sindy - Combodian refugee and her boyfriend was dead had accidently killing by Eva's boyfriend.
b) The teacher (Ein Gruweel)
She feel excited when she must teach at Woodword Wilson High School.Her enthusiasim is quickly challenged when she realizes that her class are all 'at risk' student and not the eager students she was expecting.
c) The school environment and its system:
The student segregate theselves into racial group in classroom and anywhere,fights break out and eventually most of the students stop turning up to class.Not only that,Gruwell (teacher) meet opposition from her teach her students,but she also has a hard time with her department head,who refuses to let her teach her students with books in case they get damaged and lost and instead tells her to focus and teaching them discipline and obedience.
Explain moral values(at least 3) that you have learn from this movie.
-Emotionally powerful-intelectually stimulating.
-Uplifting and entertaining
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